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About Our Preschool Programs

                        WESTERN BUCKEYE ESC PRESCHOOLS                  




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Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) is a five-star quality rating and improvement system administered by the Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. SUTQ recognizes and promotes learning and development programs that meet quality program standards that exceed preschool licensing, health, and safety regulations. It is a way learning and development programs are reviewed to see if teachers are effectively preparing children for kindergarten. A program must attain a score of at least three stars to be considered quality, with exceptional programs receiving either four or five stars. Western Buckeye Educational Service Center participates in this program and has earned five-star ratings at our Grover Hill, Payne, and Thomas Edison preschools.

A Step Up to Quality five-star rating means that our lead and assistant teachers are licensed and certified according to Ohio Department of Education. They participate in on-going specialized training. There is a commitment to use Ohio-s Birth-5 Kindergarten Entry Early Learning and Development Standards, and written plans are provided for activities during all instructional hours of the day. Ongoing assessments are done throughout the year to evaluate development and help improve student growth. A balance of child-directed and adult-directed activities are provided each day. Relationships and input from families and the community are incorporated into our programs. Daily programs provide a preschool environment to help young children develop the social, emotional, critical thinking, and physical skills that will help them as they take their next steps in school and in life.